აირჩიეთ ენა

აირჩიეთ ენა

ინფორმაცია  მაია  კალანდარიშვილისაგან: 

"ძვირფასო მეგობრებო, გილოცავთ, ჩვენი თემა: The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Quality of Happiness in Georgia
Poster [In Person] კრაკოვის  კონფერენციაზე მიღებულია, გიგზავნით მესიჯს, რომელიც გუშინ მივიღე SPR_იდან. ეს ჩვენი დიდი წარმატებაა!
თამარიუნიდან მონაწილეობას იღებს ოთხი პიროვნება: ქალბატონები ლიკა ბებურიძე, მაია კალანდარიშვილი, ასევე ორი სტუდენტი ერეკლე რაზმიაშვილი და სალომე ბატკუაშვილი."


წერილი SPR_იდან:

Dear Maia Kalandarishvili

We are pleased to inform you that your submission, 223326
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Quality of Happiness in Georgia
Poster [In Person]

has been accepted for presentation at the upcoming International SPR meeting in Krakow, Poland in June 2025. If applicable, please notify the other members in your Panel/Structured Discussion/Workshop. Note that brief papers will be organized by topic in Brief Paper Sessions. We might also need to contact you regarding your submission if we come across an error during the program development.

The online submission portal will be re-opened between March 17 and April 15th.  By clicking below,https://spr.mymeetingsavvy.net/you will be able to log back in to your submission and make any corrections or minor changes to your Abstract and any other relevant information you provided in your original submission. Please take this opportunity to ensure that all the information is correct for the final printing of the program.
You will be able to find all the important information about the Krakow conference, including registration fees, on the SPR website: https://www.psychotherapyresearch.org/default.aspx

Registration is required for all attendees including presenters. Be sure to register early to take advantage of the Early Bird registration rate.We look forward to seeing you in Krakow!  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know via .


Felicitas Rost
Program Chair, SPR 2025




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