"Mirkan" Publishing House of King Tamar University and "Mirkan" Literary Salon presented to the public Father Adam Vakhtang Akhaladze's new book "On Addresses of Virtual Memory".

The presentation was held in hybrid mode. Book editor-publishers and evaluators gathered in the salon, while other interested parties followed the event on the online platform of Zoom.

Before the presentation of the book, Father Adam made a statement in which he touched on the most difficult situation in Europe and the whole world today - the war started by Russia in Ukraine. The rector not only expressed his solidarity with the Ukrainian people, but also spoke about the role that the world network of universities should play in order to prevent such disasters and to assess the existing threats in advance (speech will be published separately).


The presentation event was opened by professor Gia (Grigol) Sulaberidze, the owner of the literary salon.

Speeches were given by: Salome Kapanadze, one of the editors of the book, poet Emzar Kvitaishvili, writer and publicist Akaki Mindiashvili, professor Rima Beriashvili, publicist and writer Tsitsi Guriel, professor Nana Burchuladze, professor Inga Ghutidze.

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