Scientific databases
- Cambridge Journals Online: - Includes journals in the humanities and social sciences, including: astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, history, linguistics, philosophy, politics, law, management, sociology, psychology, art, mass media and communication.
- Royal Society Journals Collection: Represents: journals in the biological sciences, physics, mathematics and their related disciplines.
- The New England Journal of Medicine
- Openedition Journals: French-language journals in the field of humanities and social sciences are presented. It also has an English language interface. A small number of articles are published simultaneously in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
- SAGE Premier: features scholarly articles from top-ranked journals in the humanities, social sciences, business, and medicine.
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journals: 17 refereed journals from mathematics and related disciplines are presented, the main fields of which are: mathematics, mechanics, engineering
- e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection: Journals in the following areas are presented: art history, cultural studies, pedagogy, philosophy, gender, international relations, regional and religious studies, sociological theory.
- Edward Elgar Publishing Journals and Development Studies e-books: Journals and books on humanitarian and economic direction are presented. Books on public and social governance, corporate governance, migration, infrastructure development, intellectual property research.
- The IMechE Journals: The database features journals on the SAGE publishing platform with a focus on mechanical engineering. Engineering directions in almost all fields.
- European Respiratory Journal: clinical and experimental medicine direction base - articles on biological, epidemiological, immunological, oncological, etc. are presented. with directions. At this stage, the impact factor of the magazine is 12.339
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series A
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B
- Proceedings of the Royal Society series A
- Proceedings of the Royal Society series B
- Biology Letters
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface
- Interface Focus
- Royal Society Open Science
- Edward Elgar Publishing's journals and development studies eBooks
- Duke University e-Journals: Duke University electronic journals
- New England Journal of Medicine
- Bio One: full-text database of more than 200 leading journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.
- National Library of the Parliament of Georgia
- Digital library "Iveriel"
- The World's Largest Library Catalog
- Free ebook download
- The British Library
- Questia - online research library and paper writing resource
- the new search system of the National Science Library
- ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANICA - a multidisciplinary academic publication
- PROJECT GUTENBERG - multidisciplinary electronic library
- BRITISH LIBRARY - 350,000 reports and abstracts.
- ProQuest Search - Dissertations Database. By author, title or subject.
- DISSERCAT.COM - Dissertation Catalog.
- MUSICALS.101.COM - History of the musical genre, theater, film.
- Erudit: Provides users with research from Canadian universities. Includes journals, dissertations, books and monographs in the field of social sciences and humanities.
- GALLICA BIBLIOTHEQUE NUMERIQUE: Contains up to two million items from the National Library of France, over one million of which are fully accessible. The mentioned database includes: electronic books, manuscripts (from the 15th century), periodicals, newspapers, scientific journals.
- Oxford English Dictionary Online: The Oxford English online dictionary covers the definition of more than half a million words, their origin, etymology, and modern usage.
- Bartleby: full texts of publications, including encyclopedias and dictionaries.
- Visual Collections: Images of collections of visual art samples.
- Medical literature and Internet libraries
- HeinOnline, an online research platform providing access to multidisciplinary current and historical documents, over 199 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law and much more.