Rector of the St. Tamar King University

Doctor of Medicine, Professor
Archimandrite Adam (Vakhtang Akhaladze)



He was born on March 1, 1962 in the city of Batumi. In 1978, he graduated from high school and entered the medical faculty of Tbilisi State Medical Institute.

In 1984, he graduated from the medical faculty of the Tbilisi State Medical Institute with an honors diploma and continued his studies in Moscow, A. N. in the clinical residency of the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after Bakulev.

In 1990, he defended his thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: "Anesthesia of patients with congenital heart defects with piritramide during operations performed under conditions of artificial blood circulation".

In 1991, he returned to Georgia and continued to work with academician K. In the heart surgery clinic of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Surgery named after Eristavi.

In 1994-1999, at the same time, he works as a doctor in the Patriarchate of Georgia and is a member of the Charity Council of the Patriarchate.

In 2003, he defended his thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Genesis of bioethics and its role in the modern stage of development of biomedicine and health care system".

In 1999-2005 Iv. He is a professor of the Department of Surgery at Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Since 2003 - Member of the Dissertation Council of Tbilisi State Medical University, Head of the Scientific-Control Editorial Board of the Georgian Medical Encyclopedia.

In 1994-2002, he headed the television creative group at the Patriarchate. He is the author of up to 30 original TV programs.

In 2001, he established a non-governmental organization - Center for Bioethical Research and Culture. This center laid the foundation for the School of the Sisters of Mercy, on the basis of which, in 2006, the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy and Social Medicine named after St. Tamar King was established at the Tbilisi Theological Academy.

In September 2006, by order of His Holiness and Blessed Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Health Department of the Patriarchate of All Georgia and the General Director of the Maternity Hospital named after St. Joakim and Anna. He is a member of the National Council of Bioethics, the Coordinating Council of Georgia (CCM) and the National Council of Reproductive Health.

In 2006, he was elected as a full member-academician of the Academy of Preventive Medicine Sciences of Georgia.

On June 3, 2009, he became a full member of the Georgian Academy of Humanities and Arts.

On April 4, 2004, he was ordained as a monk at Tabori Mountain Transfiguration Monastery in Tbilisi. On December 19 of the same year, he was ordained as a priest by His Holiness and Blessed Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II in the Lavra Cathedral named after the Holy Trinity.

On September 27, 2005, on the Feast of the Crucifixion, he was appointed abbot by His Holiness and Blessed Ilia the Second, and on December 21, 2008, he was appointed to the rank of Archimandrite.

On March 12, 2009, he was appointed as the rector of the Institute of Medicine named after the Holy King Tamar of the Patriarchate of Georgia. From December 2, 2010, the said institute was named the University of the Holy Tamar King.

On May 24, 2009, he was appointed as the rector of the St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Tbilisi.

Engages in teaching activities. He teaches the following disciplines: "Bioethics", "Care of the sick", "The work of the Sister of Mercy: theory and practice", "Bioethics and Christian anthropology".

He is the author of more than 90 scientific works, more than 140 artistic and journalistic articles, 9 books.

The field of scientific research of Archimandrite Adam is the theory of medicine, philosophy and history, bioethics, social and preventive medicine, health management, medical psychology, psychohygiene, relationship between faith and knowledge, management of medical education.


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