An international scientific online conference dedicated to the International Day of Mental Health was held at the St. Tamar King University of the Patriarchate of Georgia, the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection, the Barbara Kifiani School of Metapsychology. Rector of the University named after the King Tamar of the Patriarch of Georgia, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Archimandriti Adam (Vakhtang Akhaladze), Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the University named after the King Tamar of the Patriarch of Georgia Alexander Rusetski, the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories of Georgia, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection Chief specialist of the Department of Health Policy, Doctor of Public Health, Professor Ketevan Goginashvili, Doctor of Psychology Nona Akhalashvili, Doctor of Psychology Eter Varshanidze, Ketevan Gagnidze-McCormick and Mindia Gabichvadze from the United States of America participated in the conference, and Maya Kalandarishvili from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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