The book "Compendium of Social Doctrines of the Church" was published under the auspices of the publishing house of Sulkhan Saba Orbelian University and with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

The foreword, titled "On the Social Responsibility of the Church", belongs to Archimandrite Adam Vakhtang Akhaladze. In it we read:

"Dear reader! In front of you is the Georgian translation of the Compendium of Social Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Its appearance in the Georgian public space will inevitably have certain, and at the same time – multifaceted, logical consequences. For this purpose, we consider it necessary not to ignore this event, but to reflect on it.

It is all the more clear that in the introduction to the present book we read: "This document is intended also for the brothers of other churches or ecclesiastical councils, for followers of other religions, and for all people of good will who share their efforts for the common good: let them be willing to accept it as a universal human experience of the fruit". So, the authors of the compendium ask Christians and non-Christians, all people of good will, to share their own experience, although they do not necessarily give up the universality of the content and meaning of the presented doctrine. As for the acceptance of the ideas expressed in this book, this, of course, requires, first of all, an understanding and study of the content of the compendium, and then a thorough analysis and evaluation.

The inevitability of cooperation in modern inter-denominational and inter-religious spaces for each actor is determined by increasingly intensive meetings of different cultures in the conditions of globalization, universalization, democratization of society, openness and accessibility of information. Inter- and cross-cultural communications present essential differences as well as similarities between countries, peoples, state, economic, political, legal, socio-cultural and other activity subjects, as well as between individual individuals in their mentality, worldview, value hierarchy.

The preferred form of communication is intercultural dialogue. We consider our written feedback on the publication of the translation of the Compendium of Social Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in Georgian to be an organic part of such a dialogue and a step towards the success of mutual cooperation."

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