In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

God is with us

Everything is changing in this country, some for the better, some for the worse, and we watch and wonder when these changes will end. But we must remember that all this will end when the second coming of the Lord and that everything depends on God's will, God's providence.

Glory to you, Lord, and thanks to you!

The providence of God is immeasurable, the providence of God is beyond reach.

There is a war in some countries, we are sorry that this is a war. We pray, we try not to participate in the escalation of the situation. Our people have collected food, clothes to help people, but it is little, we will try again. We must do everything in order to stop the bloodshed, to stop the war and for the people to find a peaceful life;

We have to do everything for peace.

"Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and virtue among men". So let us praise God, let us ask the Lord for peace and virtue among men. And for this, our faith, our prayer, and virtue towards people are needed.

Today is called Shondobi Week. On this day, we especially forgive each other's sins, mistakes, crimes... We must do everything so that the sin does not remain unforgiven.

Praise the Lord and thank the Lord for his great mercy! Praise the Lord for his patience!

Every day we pray "Our Father" several times. And we will ask the Lord: "Forgive us our co-workers, as we forgive our co-workers" - this prayer is very important. This prayer was taught to us by the Lord and means: "Our fellow sinners" - this is our debt - our crime, and forgive us our debt (i.e. crime), as we forgive our debtors (i.e. those who have sinned against us).

It is impossible for a person to live on earth and not sin. Man commits sin and it is inevitable in his life.

What should we do in order for the Lord to repent of our sins?

First of all, we need faith, we need virtue, we need to feel the sins of others and not judge our brother. This is necessarily.

We try to do good and do our best to do good to another person. Unfortunately, there are times when we do good and we are repaid with bad deeds, evil. That doesn't mean we have to retaliate. Retribution increases evil, evil doubles.

We should use today to seek forgiveness from our neighbor. First of all I want to ask for your forgiveness.

I appeal to you all: listen, forgive me my sins.

May God have mercy on you and all of Georgia's sins, intentional and unintentional. Be merciful. May God grant you grace, the grace of God that heals the weak and fulfills the shortcomings, Amen!

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