The service was performed with the participation of eight priests and one deacon. May the Lord hear our joint prayer! Amen!

The most holy Virgin Mary, the holy righteous Joseph, the prophet Simeon the voice of joy, the honest and glorious Baptist of the Lord John, among the saints our father Nicholas, the holy archmartyr George, the mother Nino and all the saints, guardian angels and archangels, we pray to the Lord Jesus Christ , in Ertarsa of the Holy Trinity , in order to protect the Patriarchal University in the name of the great saint, the benevolent servant of the king Tamar, from all anger, fire, fire, hail, flood, attack of evil people, robbery, desolation and redemption, hardship, unbelief, heresy, war and all kinds of calamities that destroy the soul and the flesh. Sa Chuen, and may the help of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit be in this house. Amen!

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