The Savior comes to free us from unbelief and to give answers to our most important questions, to give humanity the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven and justice, to return everything to eternity and to save it from death and corruption, "because it pleased the Father that in him (Christ) all fullness should dwell and through him all things should be united." (Colossians 1:19-20)

I would like to congratulate everyone and, first of all, the children depressed and affected by the severe consequences of the war in Ukraine, any young person in general, on the glorious celebration of Christ's birth; I congratulate him to all the burdened and saviors, because this holiday is superior to any trial, overcomes the pain of each of us and fills us with hope.

My spiritual children, residents of Georgia and compatriots living abroad, let's go spiritually to Bethlehem, so that together with the shepherds we will praise the baby Jesus, together with the Magi we will offer gifts - gold, gundrum and myrrh and together with the angels we will sing: "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and peace among men." Virtue.”




May God and the Holy Mother of God bless Georgia!

May our Lord Jesus Christ grant that the words of King David be fulfilled in us:

"Blessed are the people for whom God is the Lord, the people, distinguished for his inheritance" (Ps. 32.12).

praying for you

Ilia II

Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia

Tbilisi, Christmas, 2023

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